Mavelsa Laboratories put locals and visitors in risk, with poor quality COVID tests.

Mavelsa Laboratories put locals and visitors in risk, with poor quality COVID tests and street stands, which do not comply with healthcare protocols for COVID

The company Mavelsa SA de CV, with its Head Office located in the north of the country; does not meet at their street stands the sanitary standards required to carry out detection tests for COVID-19. This seems inconsistent considering that they are an organization that supposedly cares about people’s health.  

According to the head of the Directorate of Physical and Mental Health, Héctor González Rodríguez, in Playa del Carmen; this type of tests cannot be performed on the street because it is definitely not how it is recommended. The use of only face masks and gloves results insufficient. 

“If any business or laboratory is carrying out tests this way, it should be reported to the authorities to make sure these are in accordance to Cofepris specially; which is the regulatory agency for matters regarding health risks”, Gonzalez said during an interview with  

He added that there are originally three different types of samples in the market, which are the ones currently used.  Some of these are the rapid tests and others are tests that are performed in molecular biology laboratories, known as PCR. Currently, rapid tests are performed in any laboratory. 

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“They have to be performed in controlled environments, clean environments, under rigorous safety procedures. A well stablished laboratory has no problem accomplishing this, since its staff has what it needs in regards to mucous protective equipment and the use of adequate KN95 face masks.  

Dr. Héctor González

“There must be eye protection with glasses; as well as lab coats, overalls, caps, boots and gloves, under all the protocols that we already know of”, the doctor asserted, which is why we can affirm that Mavelsa does not comply with said standards. 

“Test has to be, depending if it is rapid, for antigen or for antibodies, from a blood sample. It can be done in peripheral blood through a capillary sample or through plasma.  If it is through plasma, test has to be performed in a laboratory so plasma can be isolated.  In case of a rapid antibody test, it is done through nasal swab, same as the PCR; with all protective equipment in a safe environment”, he concluded. 

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